Rendili StarDrive

Official Name: Rendili StarDrive
Abbreviation: RSD
Operational Territory: Maya Kovel System & Vasha System (Moddell Sector)
Faction Type: Production



Rendili StarDrive (RSD) is one of the oldest starship-manufacturing companies, dating back to the foundation of the Old Republic; currently it is based in Moddell Sector.

RSD was originally founded on Planet Rendili in the Core Worlds and was closely affiliated with the Old Republic. During the Great Sith War the predecessor of RSD, Rendili Hyperworks, was involved in creation and production of Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship, Hammerhead-class cruiser and Praetorian-class frigate, which was converted by Corellian Engineering Corporation into Class VI freighter.

In the centuries leading to the Rise of the Galactic Empire Rendili Star Systems, a subsidiary of RSD, was involved in the adaptation and incorporation of Mandalorian starship designs into that of Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser.

At the height of the Clone Wars Rendili StarDrive collaborated with Kuat Drive Yards to create the Victory-class Star Destroyer, a ship that was widely used by Galactic Republic during that time.

During the time of transition from Republic to Empire many executive officers of RSD watched with sorrow and shame as the ideals of the Old Republic were left behind one by one. Even as they continued to work with the Empire allowing it to use their vast facilities for the construction of the Star Destroyers, some of them were preparing an evacuation to Rim Territories.

In the first quarter of the SWC year 5 relocation to Moddell sector was finalized and all the affiliations with Galactic Empire were ceased. However the split from GE had serious consequences – many blueprints and facilities were left in the possession of the Empire. After the move to Moddell RSD became closely associated with the Avance Coalition and continues to expand its infrastructure to better serve its customers.

In the beginning of year 16, RSD was merged into the Trade Federation’s Nationalized Companies, resulting in a doubling of the size of the Department of Naval Production.