Viceroy Corbin Esco assumes the leadership of the Trade Federation.
Commander Jack Ryan appointed Security Director.
Andy Brooks appointed Logistics Director.
Episode 2: The Foundation Of The Future
Kha Ineluki appointed Intelligence Director.
Toran Slisik appointed Logistics Director.
Avalon Larkin appointed Diplomacy Director.
Kouketsu Frecidian appointed R&D Director.
Londo Yanthee appointed Trade Director.
Episode 3: The Trade Federation Strikes Back
Commodore Jack Ryan retires from active service after a long and distinguished career.
Dev Nul appointed Security Director.
Director Londo Yanthee commits treason and is executed for his crimes.
Trade Federation military forces invade and occupy the planet Neimoidia.
Trade Federation military forces intercept and execute the wanted criminal Tanaka.
Episode 4: Darkness and Shadows
Duceroy Toran Slisik appointed Duceroy.
Horizon Corporation fires upon a reconnaissance flight of Trade Federation Y-wings in neutral territory in an unprovoked attack.
The Trade Federation declares a state of war against Horizon Corporation following escalating hostilities.
Episode 5: A New Government Is Elected
Trade Federation military forces secure the planet Vinsoth as the capital of the newly formed Trade Federation Government.
The Trade Federation becomes the ruling Government of the Glythe Sector.
Episode 6: Rise Of The Confederacy
Viceroy Corbin Esco takes an extended leave of absence from his duties.
Magistrate Toran Slisik assumes the leadership of the Trade Federation.
Nereus Eruresto appointed Duceroy.
Plans are drawn up to restore the Confederacy Of Independent Systems.
Dev Nul appointed as the first leader of the Commerce Guild.
Larbac Darkclaw appointed as the first leader of the Techno Union.
Vel Koon appointed as the first leader of the Dorinian Military Corps.
Horley Cyan appointed as the first leader of the Corporate Alliance.
Episode 7: Expansion of the Federation
Magistrate Toran Slisik, Duceroy Nereus Eruresto and Dev Nul retire.
Horley Cyan appointed Viceroy.
Bren Morgarr joins the Trade Federation as Duceroy.
Huge expansion of the Glythe Sector is undertaken doubling the inhabitants.
Kuat Drive Yards joins the CIS.
Combank joins the CIS.
Triumvirate Security Force joins the CIS.
Haven acquired and added to the CIS with Auron Shadowbane as its first leader.
Episode 8: The Return of Corbin
Viceroy Horley Cyan resigns.
Centauri Tyridus appointed Minister of Defence.
Corbin Esco retakes power as Viceroy.
Trade Treaty proposed by the Galactic Empire declined.
Foreign Affairs, recruitment and training combined under the Ministry of Gov Affairs, Darvock Tarion appointed as Minister.
Logistics, construction and commerce combined under Ministry of Interior, Jacob Jansen appointed as Minister.
Galactic Empire Declares War on the Trade Federation.
Imperial allied KDY and Combank leave the CIS.
Episode 9: The Rule of Morgarr
Viceroy Corbin Esco resigns.
Darvock Tarion illegally starts election for Viceroy and is expelled by rule of the Cabinet.
Election is held and Bren Morgarr is elected Viceroy.
Centauri Tyridus appointed Duceroy.
Horley Cyan appointed Minister of Government Affairs.
Peace with the Galactic Empire is established for a short time while peace talks endure.
Trade Treaty declined again and the Galactic Empire Declares War on the Trade Federation.
Xavier Dedoroff appointed Minister of Government Affairs.
Episode 10: Reinforcing the Foundation
Jacob Jansen appointed CEO of the Techno Union.
Mas Rarraf appointed Minister of Defense.
Haor Chall Engineering joins the CIS.
Lant Mining Corp joins the CIS.
The Order of Kampar joins the CIS.
Metropolisation of Loszog completed, TF population passes 20 billion.
Korpa Kejsilic appointed CEO of the Commerce Guild.
Farfin sector falls to Trade Federation Forces.
Duceroy Centauri Tyridus resigns.
Minister Jacob Jansen appointed Duceroy.
Rand Axim appointed Minister of Interior.
Episode 11: The Golden Age
Starsign Shipyards purchased by the Trade Federation and added to the CIS. Cypher Diaz becomes its first leader.
Drega Loas appointed CEO of the Dorinian Military Corps.
Jetsi Seejay appointed CEO of the Commerce Guild.
Marco Salo appointed Minister of Defence.
Triumvirate Mining Corp joins the CIS.
InterGalactic Banking Clan formed by the TF and added to the CIS.
Stars` End Entertainment joins the CIS.
Viceroy Bren Morgarr resigns.
Episode 12: The Rule of Jansen
Duceroy Jacob Jansen is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation. [Year 8 Day 333]
Minister Marco Salo appointed Duceroy.
Deputy Minister Daniel Zorg appointed Minister of Defence.
Centauri Tyridus appointed President of the InterGalactic Banking Clan.
Horley Cyan appointed Duceroy.
Peace treaty signed ending hostilities between the Galactic Empire and the Trade Federation.
D`Este Realty joins the CIS.
Arakyd Aerodynes Incorporated joins the CIS.
Baktoid Armour Workshop acquired and Arturius Hall appointed as leader.
Confederate Mining Corporation formed with Avarik Ragnos as its first leader.
Triumvirate Ship Technologies joins the CIS.
Avarik Ragnos resigns as Confederate Mining Corporation CEO; Marco Salo appointed as his sucessor.
Episode 13: A New Direction
Duceroy Horley Cyan resigns.
Minister Rand Axim appointed Duceroy.
Director Siraloth Xivah appointed Minister of the Interior.
InterGalactic Banking Clan dissolved by order of the Cabinet.
Centauri Tyridus appointed Regent.
Marco Salo transfers to Haven Corp CEO; Bub`ba Lou appointed his successor as Confederate Mining Corporation CEO.
Stars` End Entertainment acquired and renamed Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Episode 14: Rebuilding the Confederacy
Confederacy reverts back to Nationalized Factions once again. TC, TMC, TST, TSF and AAI withdraw.
Ministry of Government Affairs renamed Ministry of State.
Alahav Andregar appointed Minister of State.
Info Faction Confederacy of Independent Systems Dissolved.
Confederate Mining Corporation CEO Bub`ba Lou is appointed Minister of the Interior.
Haven Corporation dissolved and Confederate Recycling Company formed.
Episode 15: Union
Duceroy Rand Axim resigns and is appointed Glythe Sector Governor.
Minister of the Interior Bub`ba Lou appointed Duceroy.
Confederate Mining Corporation CEO Pat Rulla is appointed Minister of the Interior.
Siraloth Xivah appointed CEO of Confederate Recycling Company.
Trade Federation joins the Imperial Union. [Year 9 Day 295]
Confederate Mining Corporation merged with the Commerce Guild. Jamaal Newport appointed CEO.
Deputy Minister Kage Renbukai appointed Minister of Defence.
Starsign Shipyards merged with the Techno Union.
Minister the Interior Pat Rulla appointed Minister of State.
Deputy Minister of the Interior Morga Deva appointed Minister of the Interior.
Director of Logistics Nohv Schiller appointed Deputy Minister of the Interior.
Metropolisation of Rafa V completed, TF population passes 200 billion.
Episode 16: The Merge
Confederacy of Independent Systems disbanded. All Nationalized Factions are now merged as departments of the Trade Federation.
Ministry of Production created.
Olwin Froon appointed as the first Minister of Production.
Vas Felix appointed as leader of the Techno Union.
Viceroy Jacob Jansen and Duceroy Bub`ba Lou make an official visit to the Hapan System.
Daniel Zorg appointed as leader of Dorinian Military Corps.
Deputy Minister of State Dominic Masters appointed Minister of State.
Dakin Nerwalker appointed as leader of Confederate Recycling Company.
Zone Supplies Limited acquired and merged into Baktoid Armour Workshop.
Episode 17: Alliance
Stennes Node Sector acquired in a trade from the Galactic Empire.
Trade Federation forms a full alliance with the Hapes Consortium.
Trade Federation and Hapes Consortium military forces secure control of the Stennes Node Sector.
Kopljanik Despotovic appointed Confederate Recycling Company CEO.
Confederate Recycling Company renamed Haven Corporation once again.
Duceroy Bub`ba Lou appointed Regent.
Minister of Defense Kage Renbukai appointed Duceroy.
Drakken Ryder appointed Minister of Defence.
Item Faction Creshaldyne Industries acquired and merged into Baktoid Armour Workshop.
Episode 18: Industrial Supremacy
Haven Corporation dissolved. Name rights granted to Siejo Kutol.
Abromus Andregar appointed Chief Justice.
Metropolisation of Nargorn completed, TF population passes 300 billion.
Duceroy Kage Renbukai resigns.
Martin Oberan appointed Deputy Minister of Defense.
Minister of Production Olwin Froon voted in as Duceroy.
Vas Felix appointed Minister of Production.
Dagur Amon appointed Director Of Naval Production and Chief Executive Officer of the Techno Union.
Federation Security Service formed with Drakken Ryder as FSS-General.
Pat Rulla is appointed to the position of Deputy Director of Industry.
Director of Robotics Daniel Zorg is appointed to the position of Minister of Defense.
Salamku Derov is appointed to the position of Director of the Dorinian Military Corps, the Trade Federation’s Department of Robotics.
Dominic Masters steps down as Minister of State and is appointed to the position of Ambassador to the Imperial Union.
Xavier Hood is appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Defense.
Deputy Minister of the Interior Jamaal Newport is appointed to the position of Minister of State.
Episode 19: Changes to the Galaxy
Following several disturbances in the time space continuum, the galaxy changes shape and the Trade Federation’s territories become centralized.
Deputy Minister of Defense Xavier Hood is appointed to the position of Minister of Defense.
The planet Neimoidia is once again under the control of the Trade Federation.
Execurus Edun is appointed to the position of Grand Master of the Evocati.
Director of Robotics Salamku Derov is appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Production.
Zeemacht Praetor Sephiroth Rhapsodos is appointed to the position of Deputy Minister of Defense.
Deputy Director of Manufacturing Siraloth Xivah is appointed to the position of Director of Manufacturing.
Shaidar Haran is appointed to the position of Director of Robotics.
Metropolisation of Pengalan IV completed, TF population passes 300 billion.
Federation scouts locate the system of New Apsolon.
Ship Faction Kuat Drive Yards acquired from Myn Kuat.
Episode 20: An Empire of Trade
Trade Federation, along with Hapes Consortium, Mandalore, Tion Hegemony and Aurodium Legion, withdraw from the Imperial Union.
Trade Federation declares neutrality from the Galactic Civil War.
Shaidar Haran appointed High Ambassador.
Citizenship program spearheaded by Viceroy Jansen is launched, recognizing the free traders of the galaxy by offering the opportunity of a citizen status to honorable traders.
Trade Federation forms the largest neutral alliance in the galaxy, the Galactic Concordiate, with the ratification of the Treaty of Forsetti signed by Viceroy Jacob Jansen, King Alexander Tylger, Mand`alor Tyr DeMeer, Lord Hegemon Typhon Corbin, and Legate Dorn Zeke.
Department of Trade formed with Tanez Kalrade as Director of Trade.
Duceroy Olwin Froon appointed Regent.
Minister the Interior Nohv Schiller appointed Duceroy.
Director Metyl Onyx appointed Minister of the Interior.
Director Marcus Justinian appointed Deputy Minister of the Interior.
Deputy Director Marco Salo appointed Director of Logistics.
Minister of Production Vas Felix appointed as Zeemacht Regional Governor.
Deputy Minister of Production Salamku Derov appointed Minister of Production.
Deputy Minister of the Interior Marcus Justinian appointed Minister of the Interior.
Episode 21: The Empire of Trade Expands
The Avance Coalition merges with the Trade Federation. The merger includes most of TAC territory as well as factions Rendili StarDrive, Centurion Arms and Alpha Medical Corps.
Akheton Vehicle Corporation purchased and merged with the Techno Union.
Trade Federation forces once again return and occupied the planet of Naboo after it is traded for the Abbaji System.
After one of the largest public gatherings in Trade Federation history following the celebration of Federation Day, Viceroy Jacob Jansen announces his resignation after serving 9 years.
Episode 22: The Rule of Schiller
On Year 18 Day 68 Nohv Schiller is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation.
Episode 23: The Second Rule of Jansen
On Year 19 Day 136 Jacob Jansen is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation for a second time after the resignation of Nohv Schiller.
The Endor Pact is signed. Alliance with The Kingdom of Elysia (Czerka Corporation), and, Kolkpravis.
Dorinian Military Corps sold to to long time member and entrepreneur Metyl Onyx.
Admiral Ro Ru Wok is appointed Minister of Defense
Episode 24: The Rule of Derov
On Year 21 Day 292 Salamku Derov is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation.
Episode 25: The Third Rule of Jansen
On Year 22 Day 216 Jacob Jansen is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation for a third time after the resignation of Salamku Derov.
Viceroy Jansen forms the Inner-Circle, the Trade Federations faction panel. Along with himself, Olwin Froon, Nohv Schiller and Salamku Derov sit on the Inner-Circle.
Viceroy Jansen withdraws The Trade Federation from The Galactic Concordiate.
Year 23 Day 320 Rendili StarDrive is gifted to Jacob Jansen after his nearly 14 years service as Viceroy of the Trade Federation.
Episode 26: The Second Rule of Derov
On Year 23 Day 320 Salamku Derov is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation for a second time.
Administrator Vas Felix appointed Duceroy.
Vas Felix is added to The Inner-Circle.
Admiral Raven Ark is appointed Minister of Defense.
Episode 27: The Forth Rule of Jansen
On Year 24 Day 286 Jacob Jansen is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation for a forth time after the resignation of Salamku Derov.
Tovakinpi Toshikhan is added to The Inner-Circle.
On Year 25 Day 99 Viceroy Jansen approves changes to the Trade Federation Charter. Forming a rotation of Viceroy between the 4 members of the Inner-Circle.
Kaire Nat-Sa is appointed Minister of Defense.
The Commerce Guild is dissolved and mining operations are moved to the Trade Federation.
Episode 28: The Rule of Four
On Year 25 Day 217 Nohv Schiller is appointed Viceroy of the Trade Federation for a second time after Jacob Jansen completed his first rotation as Viceroy.
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