Armed Forces code of Military Justice


Section 1 – Preliminary

Clause 1.1 – Purpose
The Government of the Trade Federation was founded on the principles of honor, integrity and profit. In accordance with the first and second of these principles, and in relation to the third, the following Code defines violations deemed to be against the interest of the Trade Federation Ministry of Defense, and the respective punishments for the commission of those violations.

Clause 1.2 – Applicability
This Code has full force and effect upon all service members of the Armed Forces of the Trade Federation, serving under the Ministry of Defense.

Clause 1.3 – Classes of Offenses
This Code recognizes the following violations:

  • 1st Degree Violation
  • 2nd Degree Violation
  • 3rd Degree Violation

Clause 1.4 – Judicial Procedures
All service members accused of a violation of this Code, by an authorized agent of the Ministry of Defense, are to be considered guilty of the act until such a time as the accused has proven their innocence before a Ministry Tribunal consisting of the Minister of Defense, or appointed representative of the Minister, the commanding officer of the accused service member, and the Chief Justice, or appointed representative of the Chief Justice.

  • A decision of the Tribunal can only be overturned by unanimous agreement of the Cabinet.
  • The accused party is not allowed to petition the Cabinet for a review of the Tribunal, only the Cabinet, itself, may choose to review a Tribunal%u2019s decision.

Clause 1.5 – Incorporation
This Code also recognizes and incorporates the offenses listed in the Trade Federation Penal Code as follows: Capital Offenses as 1st Degree Violations, Felony Offenses as 2nd Degree Violations, and Misdemeanor Offenses as 3rd Degree Violations.

  • The Ministry of Defense reserves the right to conduct a Ministry Tribunal for any service member that violates any offense of the Trade Federation Penal Code, either during times of peace or war.

Section 2 – Punishments

Clause 2.1 – Purpose
Section 2 is an effort to standardize the punishment of all violations committed by the service members of the Armed Forces of the Trade Federation, under the Ministry of Defense.

Clause 2.2 – Levels of Punishments
This Code recognizes the following punishments:

  • Level A: Execution
  • Level B: Expulsion
  • Level C: Imprisonment
  • Level D: Demotion
  • Level E: Loss of Pay

Clause 2.3 – Classes of Offenses and Punishments
This Code reserves punishments as to the violations as described below:

  • 1st Degree violations can be punishable at any and all levels.
  • 2nd Degree violations can be punishable at Level B and below.
  • 3rd Degree violations can be punishable at Level D and below.



Section 10 – Conduct

Clause 10.1 – Conduct Unbecoming a Service Member and/or Officer
Conduct Unbecoming is defined as any act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who demonstrates behavior inconsistent of what is expected from a Trade Federation service member.

Conduct Unbecoming is a 3rd Degree violation.

Section 11 – Improper Solicitation for Advancement

Clause 11.1 – Improper Solicitation
Improper Solicitation is defined as any act that:

  1. is committed by a service member in an attempt to gain advancement in rank, position or award through the use of;
  2. bribery, in any form.

Improper Solicitation is a 3rd Degree violation.

Section 12 – Improper Representation for Enlistment, Appointment or Dismissal

Clause 12.1 – Improper Representation
Improper Representation is defined as any act that:

  1. is committed by a service member in an attempt to gain advancement in rank, position or award; or dismissal of duties through the use of;
  2. falsely representing or deliberately concealing any information pertinent to their duties.

Improper Representation is a 3rd Degree violation.

Section 13 – Contempt

Clause 13.1 – Contempt towards Citizens and/or Service Members
Contempt is defined as any act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who demonstrates or behaves with disregard towards those they are charged to protect, or those in which they share that duty with.

Contempt is a 3rd Degree violation.

Section 14 – Unauthorized Use and/or Possession of Contraband and/or Restricted Technology While on Duty

Clause 14.1 – Contraband and Restricted Technology
Electronic Lock Breakers, Tracking Devices and Stuncuffs.

Clause 14.2 – Wrongful Use and/or Possession
Wrongful Use and/or Possession is defined as an act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who unlawfully uses and/or possesses any restricted item, as defined by the Trade Federation Contraband Act and/or Restricted Technology Act;
  2. while in service to the Trade Federation.

Wrongful Use and/or Possession is a 2nd Degree violation.


Section 20 – Willful Disobedience

Clause 20.1 – Willful Disobedience
Willful Disobedience is defined as an act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who disregards either;
  2. an order from their direct superior; or
  3. a direct order from any superior of the Trade Federation that does not conflict with their current assigned duties.

Willful Disobedience is a 2nd Degree violation.

Section 21 – Insubordination

Clause 21.1 – Insubordination
Insubordination is defined as an act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who either;
  2. assaults a superior while under active duty; or
  3. demonstrates contempt or disrespect towards a superior while under active duty.

Insubordination is a 2nd Degree violation.

Section 22 – Absence without Leave (A.W.O.L)

Clause 22.1 – A.W.O.L
A.W.O.L. is defined as an act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who either;
  2. fails to present themselves for duty at their assigned duty station at the assigned time; or
  3. vacates and remains absent from their assigned duty unit, organization or station while under active orders to be present.

A.W.O.L. is a 3rd Degree violation.

Section 23 – Desertion

Clause 23.1 – Desertion
Desertion is defined as an act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who;
  2. vacates and remains absent from their assigned duty unit, organization or station while under active orders to be present with the intent to remain absent permanently;
  3. vacates and remains absent from their assigned duty unit, organization or station while under active orders to be present with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or important service; or
  4. enters the service of any foreign military, except when authorized by the Trade Federation.

Desertion is a 1st Degree violation.


Section 30 – Maltreatment of Service Members under a Command

Clause 30.1 – Maltreatment
Maltreatment is defined as an act that:

  1. is committed by a service member who demonstrates cruel behavior, oppression or maltreatment towards any person subject to their orders.

Maltreatment is a 2nd Degree violation.

Section 31 – Fitness for Command

Clause 31.1 – Fitness for Command
Any service member designated or appointed to a position of leadership within the Armed Forces of the Trade Federation who demonstrates unsound command and/or judgment in the view of the Minister of Defense, Deputy Minister of Defense, Fleet Commander and/or FSS-General may be deemed unfit for command, and relieved of their duties.