
End of an Era

In a quiet ceremony amongst the palace gardens of Camp Gunray, the Viceroy’s official residence on Taanab, Jacob Jansen announced his retirement. Attended by dignitaries, officials, and members of the Federation, the Cabinet invested Salamku Derov as the eleventh Viceroy of the Trade Federation on behalf of Viceroy Jansen.
While previous ceremonies of this sort have been marked with loud, patriotic celebrations in the capital Forsetti across the bay, the mood at Camp Gunray was light and cordial. In both their short remarks, Viceroys Jansen and Derov acknowledged the sense of de ja vu they felt. Two year’s previous Viceroy Derov had first succeeded Jansen before his health prompted him to resign, leading Viceroy Jansen to take on the role for an unprecedented third time.

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Year 23 Day 320 | | Royal

TFMv4.0 Released!

Today we are excited to announce the launch of version 4.0 of the Trade Federation Market, now found at!

This project was a mammoth undertaking, spanning a little over 4 years starting with a design put together by Grimaldus Helbrecht and then code written by a collaborative effort between Dreks Selmur, Kaire Nat-Sa and Ted Winner with art from Kaire Nat-Sa, Jacob Jansen and Grimaldus Helbrecht and last but not least server administration work by Olwin Froon.

More recently, special thanks to our team of incomparable testers who have spent countless hours finding tons of bugs to help ensure things run smoothly for launch. These testers included Jacob Jansen, Nohv Schiller, Ro Ru Wok, Joyenne Southsand, Olwin Froon, Tanez Kalrade and Dac Kain.

As part of this release, we also completely reviewed the TFM Thief List and I want to express thanks to Tovakinpi Toshikhan, Jacob Jansen, Kaire-Nat-Sa and Dac Kain for countless hours over the past week hunting down and reviewing over 150 thief list entries to identify which were actually relevant and which weren’t

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| | Economy

Asrat Plaza Grand Opening Ceremony

A gotal reporter appears on your holopad as the Trade Federation’s anthem can be heard in the background.

“Good morning, we welcome you to a brief statement from the Trade Federation. We go now to a live feed of the ceremony taking place shortly in the Asrat system.”

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Year 22 Day 264 | Asrat System, Nouane Sector | Asrat Vendor Mall