
Small Business Development Program Announced

In a short press conference held via HoloNet, Trade Federation Viceroy Jacob Jansen, High Ambassador Tovakinpi Toshikhan, and Minister of Production Salamku Derov, announced the formation of a new initiative for supporting small businesses operating in Federation Space, the Trade Federation Small Business Development Program.

The Small Business Development Program is designed to offer support to groups looking to establish a secure, more permanent location for their groundside business operations. Support comes from a variety of avenues, including help in finding a place to build brick-and-mortar facilities, startup loans, and preferred access to raw materials for production.

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Year 17, Day 243 | Nouane Sector, Obroa System, onboard the Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship TFP Inspiration | Economy

Trade Federation Market Enters a New Era

The Viceroy began, “It is my pleasure to announce that, after several hundred hours of work by the officials at the Federation’s Department of Trade and the many programmers at the Information Technology Development Bureau, the latest improvements to the Trade Federation Market holosite have finally been completed.” After pausing briefly for a sip of water the Viceroy continued, “In the nearly three standard years that the Market has been in operation we have had considerable success in attracting customers from across the galaxy. Additionally, throughout that period we partnered with many successful private companies to make a wide-range of highly sought after goods readily available. Despite the success of the market, with an average of over a billion credits a month in sales throughout its lifespan and with many satisfied customers, we nonetheless did not think development of the Market was complete.”

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Year 17, Day 288 | Zeemacht Cluster, Taanab System, from the Palace Trade Federation Palace in Forsetti | Economy

Forest Moon Recycling Completed

A little over a year ago TFNN took you to the surface of the so-called Forest Moon. We saw a planet bereft of its former glory. The surface was completely slabbed over, ocean nearly indistinguishable from what once was forest, grassland, or rocky desert. Its seas almost completely covered over by thick sheets of duracrete supported by seemingly immovable pillars. These vast grey-scale wildernesses were populated by small tribes of Ewoks and Yuzzum who had resisted the relocation plans and who lived among the storage and surplus yards of construction supplies either abandoned there when development slowed, or waiting to be shipped to Endor. Resorts which capitalized on the beautiful canopy views and forest tours were closing rapidly. A few newly constructed cities sat vacant, waiting on a residential boom that never happened, hosting only those few Ewok families who accept the government’s housing vouchers. They were little better off for it. We left you with plans for a rapid and exhaustive reclamation project.

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Year 17, Day 111 | Moddell Sector, Endor System, onboard the Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship TFL Prljavci | Economy